Together for the sound of inclusion
Our partners, from Associations to Foundations, support us in making the great sound of inclusion possible. Thanks to and with them, we work every day to achieve our goals.
Each partner is essential
The support of each partner is crucial in promoting effective projects. We work in harmony and synergy to achieve the objectives of our mission: inclusion of people in situations of marginalisation or disadvantage, support for education and entry into the labour market, breaking down barriers.
Civil Society - People
The company was created one evening, before the 2016 Rio Paralympics, when Alex Zanardi was thinking back to his history, his competitive career and realised once again how life has put him to the test, but also how it has given him many opportunities that unfortunately not everyone has.
It is from the desire to share, to be reborn, to be able to make others feel the same emotions that he was born in him the desire to give an opportunity and to support those who would like to approach the sport but cannot.
Buzzi Foundation
Civil Society
It is a full-colour hospital where doctors, nurses and volunteers work together with a serene, technologically advanced reception facility that accompanies children from birth to the paths of healing and where parents feel personally involved along this path. One big family that stays in the hearts of our patients all their lives.
Many people have already supported the Children's Hospital dream with their resources and talent. Yet it is not enough. For anyone who feels the need, the time has come to give. To give a better future.
Milan City Council